411 University St, Seattle
Our children’s centers provide direct care for orphaned children, and our community initiatives address underlying issues that perpetuate the vulnerable crisis.
We visit vulnerable families once a month providing food supplies, soap, etc. 10 families, $18 each family, and $180 every month, and $2,160 a year. We would love to visit over 500 families costing $9,000 a month. Youth are a critical force in the development of any society. The youth in Uganda are the youngest population in the world with 77% of its population being under 30 years of age. The unemployment rate for young people ages 15-24 is 83%. We help young people gain further training.
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Metzudah Faith Children’s Centre aims to holistically empower orphans through educational support, food and other basic needs.
Email: info@metzudahfcc.org
Tel: +256 (0) 783 272 818,
Po.Box: 27487 Kampala, Uganda